market days
Brisstyle eco market was so lovely. Setting up stall under a big shady tree was perfect and before the market officially started I zipped around the market and collected a few special goodies.I have just about ticked off my entire Christmas shopping list. In the photo above you can see a beautiful silky oak owl brooch from Jettas nest, first edition of Bespoke magazine, plushy turtle toy from little jellygnite, air plant by Nell of feyblesand little soaps which will be perfect stocking fillers from warm sigh.
I will be spending some time this week working on brooches and toys, photographing them, etc because happilly I need to make more stock. It's really a joy and so satisfying to be making and selling what I love, that my little dream for dash robin of using materials (which I adore)-organic hand dyed yarns and special vintage remnants is being realised. Thanks to all the supporters of independent eco friendly craft who make this happen!
My music collage suitcase worked brilliantly for displaying my brooches and I have also just found out my lovely friend Nerida has grabbed a vintage blue suitcase for me which will be joining my eclectic collection of props and stands :o)
I had such a great day Saturday, loved sharing the eco stall with Vanessa, of little original who is back on the scene after a small break from the market scene-with very good reason!
I had a delightful morning meeting her adorable new bubsy.
It's really wonderful to display dash robin creations alongside her works, our items are unique and distinct from each others yet seem to really work well together. We will be sharing again soon at the upcoming Brisstyle designers market and I can't wait. I think its true to say we are 'fans' of each other..we have down a couple of swaps and I am happy to have a few stunning little original vintage fabric and doily chickens and ducks decorating my house. They look gorgeously warm and friendly and children love them so much.
I will be updating soon about Village life too,
so please check back later in the week, won't you!xKate
It was an awesome day and it's so cool that you get to join in now too!!
Sounds like it all went so well! Glad to hear it, Kate...
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. xx
It was a wonderful day and I enjoyed every moment with my lovely BrisStyle friends!
Was great to see you! As always!! Glad that you had a lovely day and that the rain held out. xox
Sounds like a fab week! Yay to hear you are realising your dreams!!!!!
I'm doing my first market in aaaaaaaaages this sunday! Trying to sell all the badges I made when I was learning to hand sew, and some of the good stuff too! Send me some abundant vibes!!!!!
Have a lovely week XXXXX
Brilliant post sounds like a great day, can't wait to go to the twilight markets, my first BrisStyle market for over a year!
Those little toes are gorgeous, you could just kiss them!!
Kate thank you so much for my little 'rescue package' So adorable and yes the little birdie was still in tact when they arrived! You know me well to send me a Dali Lama text.....I really admire him. I do try to live by the Buddhist philosophy as best I our materialistic world of Now,Now,Now! Kitty will sleep on my bed tonight :-)
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