Thursday, February 9, 2012


This is my first ever 'proper' crochet piece of clothing, I am very excited to have created something substantial-and almost all of this piece was created from yarns Sitara found on her travels. The pattern for this 'capelet' (sorta like a snug poncho) came from here-scroll down to find the pattern in english is required!

I love the simplicity of the pattern but this is so special to me because it has such a lovely selection of raw(un-dyed) yarns!
 I absolutely love how it contains all kinds of kooky animals yarns, including some Australian alpaca(so frickin' cute, eh) and some Scottish highland cows yarn! 
I will be back at Village life this weekend so feel free to bring along your crochet hook and we can have a chat and do some hookin'


Baa-Me Kniits said...

Gorgeous Kate :-) Love those alpaca's too!

Bec said...

Gorgeous Miss Kate. I bet you're hanging out for cold weather now so you can wear it.

Unknown said...

those alpacas made me laugh. The cream one has such chubby cheeks!!!