Sunday, October 5, 2008

cute stuff links

It's a very hot day, so hot I was forced to cut some sass and bide jeans into shorts.
This is probably not what you are supposed to do with designer threads. However, they were bought at a garage sale and were a bit tatty so truly very acceptable...but now I am wishing I had cut them a bit shorter. Because did I is bloody hot!! Urghhkk!
This photo is very blurry, sorry one of those self timer ones...but as I am the subject a bit of blur is probably not such a bad thing...very kind on me... trimmed them, hemmed them with zigzag folded them up a little and straight stitched around, which gives the end the slightest flare, like boot cut shorts, I think a nice effect.

I was in the Avid Reader bookstore in West end yesterday in between housing searches (yes the search continues) and found they have a great range of craft and art was this little gem...

I really want to make some key rings with the cute faces on them, and dont need to follow a pattern or buy the book to do it. It is a great source book though, full of cool and simple ideas presented in the clearest way.

When I got home I checked out the authors stuff a bit more. This led to their esty store ( which led to this cute piece of cartoon writing kind of rocks huh?

And I can see picture this working in felt too, perhaps aplliqued onto a t-shirt...could be cool in a pop art meets cute fuzzy felt kind of way, huh?


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